Safe Deposit Box
by Bob Brooke
people take safe deposit boxes for granted today. But in the 18th
and early 19th centuries, they didn’t exist, so people had to store
their valuable documents–bills of sale, certificates, etc.--in small,
locked wooden boxes which ranged in size from 5 to 12 inches long and
from 4 to 5 inches wide. Most were made of pine covered in leather, such
as this one, or painted or stained. This American-made domed box, from
the author’s collection, has a stamped brown leather exterior with
tiny flower design, attached with brass nails. It’s top is attached
with leather hinges. It’s interior is covered with paper decorated in
a blue diamond pattern. Due to a some minor leather repair on the rear
of the box and a replaced handle, the value of the box is between $500
and $600. <
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