The Complete Idiot's Guide to
Buying and Selling Antiques
by Emyl
Alpha Books, a Division of Macmillan USA, Inc., Indianapolis, IN
Many people wish they could find that elusive copy
of the Declaration of Independence which recently sold for over $8 million. While they may
not find such a valuable antique, the tips in the Complete Idiot's Guide to Buying and
Selling Antiques by Emyl Jenkins are a treasure for any beginning collector.
In her introduction, Jenkins claims, "If an idiot like me can learn the secrets to
antiques, you can, too." Jenkins is no idiotunless she wrote this book for far
less money than she should have. She's a 30-year veteran of antique appraising, covering
everything from valuable pieces for Winterthur to the charred remains of fires for
insurance companies.
Her new book dispels the myths surrounding antiques created by the "Antiques
Roadshow." Not everything is valuable and not everything is an antique. Period.
This well-thought-out guide for the novice antique collector also offers intermediate
collectors all sorts of tips, especially how to deal with today's international antique
Beginning with how to tell if a piece is actually an antique through the art of buying
and selling , Jenkins takes the novice on a plotted course through the antiques mine
field, writing in a simple, no nonsense style.
As with other Idiot's Guides, Jenkins gingerly peppers her book with illustrations of
specific pieces, as well as little tidbits in sidebars like AntiqInfo"It isn't
unusual for a piece to be sold in less than two minutes." AntiqClues"The
first place to look for clues about style of furniture is legs and feet." And Before
You Buy"A tape always comes in handy when considering a large Victorian
Renaissance Revival piece."
She divides information into manageable chunks. But don't go looking for in-depth
coverageyou won't find it here.
This book is a great introduction for the novice collector and a good overall view.
With it in hand, anyone can begin collecting wisely.